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"And really, all of those mansplainers who wanted to make a clever point about Captain Marvel being a villain ended up becoming the thing that they hate most in this world - they are wrong on the internet" - LegalEagle, mansplaining to any woman who watched his video

LegalEagle is a lawyer who makes YouTube videos where he talks about law and reviews scenes from movies from a lawyer's perspective




Slander and Libel (Slibel) of The Don[]

"At the end of the day this tempest in the teapot was really about select few people who wanted to have a very idiosyncratic view of this deleted scene"

MauLer had seen some LegalEagle videos before and enjoyed them, but he first crossed his, Rags', and Wolf's radar on EFAP 38, when he slandered The Don as a batterer in order to clear the name of Captain Marvel in his video "Real Lawyer Reacts to Captain Marvel (Is She the Villain?)" LegalEagle explained that he thought people were both legally and morally wrong about the scene, and that he normally would not cover it if not for him currently working on a test for law students that dealt with a similar case. He prefaced this by attributing what he called a conservative narrative to mostly men, the first of many time he would bring up people's gender, seemingly also suggesting it was due to Captain Marvel being a woman, and MauLer found this whole preamble odd and unnecessary for what was just meant to be a look at the legality of it. LegalEagle laid out his intent to go through a factual analysis in excruciating detail, citing The Don getting off his motorcycle and taking off his helmet to walk over to her as relevant factors, leading Rags to conclude it would have been legal if he had instead rammed Carol with his bike. He went into detail about the position of The Don's arm, concluding that the 3 feet between them was "just a matter of inches," then claimed him asking her to smile could be seen as a threat. MauLer was genuinely surprised to learn the difference between assault and battery from him, which were as follows

  • Battery - criminal offense involving the unlawful physical contact of another person, considered harmful or offensive
    • CA Penal Code for Battery - Any wiLful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another
    • Criteria for Battery - "Intention and unlawful contact inflicted in a harmful or offensive manner" where the "Defendant did not act in self-defense or in defense of another"
  • Assault - any credible threat or attempt to create apprehension of harmful contact
The Don's hand, pushing down a map held by Captain Marvel

The assault and battery in question

Infamously, LegalEagle argued that The Don crinkling the top of the map Captain Marvel was holding counted as assault and battery, because such a charge can extend to touching something that is connected to someone, likening it to punching someone who is wearing a shirt or smacking a phone out of someone's hand, adding that the "eggshell skull" principle in law means the amount of force does not matter since it could hurt someone very frail. MauLer was willing to concede that may be correct on paper but doubted any judge or jury would accept it in spirit, and Rags added that the definition of assault he gave did not even match the scene since there was no apprehension of force. After LegalEagle repeatedly brought up The Don being in Captain Marvel's personal space, Rags Googled whether personal space was even legally recognized, and the results suggested no. LegalEagle bizarrely described the handshake Captain Marvel initiated as "what could be considered a consensual handshake," then described the pain The Don felt as she electrocuted him, but argued that that was justified since according to him, electrocuting someone and threatening them with dismemberment if they do not let you rob them did not count as lethal force, He then moved on to the moral argument, and his "excruciating detail" amounted to just saying that a lot of philosophies would call her actions self-defense. LegalEagle went into a similar amount of "excruciating detail" when assessing whether she should have robbed him of his clothes and vehicle, which just got a "probably not," and whether or not the amount of force was justified, simply concluding that it was not black and white, only to then deem anyone who considered her a villain straightup wrong. Naturally, he also called critics "mansplainers," raising the question of whether EFAP counted as mansplainers when all the people they argued with on this issue were men, or whether he himself was a mansplainer if at least one woman watched his video. He also called this scene a "shot-for-shot" remake of the beginning of Terminator 2, a movie about a soulless killing machine who had to be taught by a child that murder is bad, and even went so far as to chop out the other shots of the bargoers burning a cigarette on him and breaking a pool cue over him. He criticized people's hypocrisy for having no trouble seeing the Terminator as a hero, apparently forgetting the reveal he is a protagonist does not come until later and that scene is meant to make him look villainous. As if slandering The Don as a batterer and justifying his torture and extortion was not enough, LegalEagle added insult to injury by insulting his fashion sense, claiming a suit from his sponsor IndoChino would look better than leather, an odd recommendation to make to a biker

This video left Rags so frustrated that he texted someone he knew to ask if he could hatefuck them


  • Some have claimed that he made good videos once, but this is unconfirmed
  • He may not be able to tell a map from a newspaper
  • He wears a double-breasted suit, yet must not know what a breast is, since any attempt he would make to approach a woman would legally be a threat
  • His video was covered by Rekieta Law, who some in Chat considered to be the superior YouTube lawyer, though MauLer was not familiar with him at the time


  • "Crucially he makes contact with the map" - EFAP 38
  • "something that might be interpreted as a threat, 'How bout a smile for me?'"
    • "Telling someone to smile is against the Geneva Convention" - Chat
  • "Captain Marvel came out last summer, it had slightly more controversy than normal because, as far as I can tell, and I wasn't following this closely, the lead superhero is a woman, and the lead actress, Brie Larson, said some semi-controversial things about racism and sexism in Hollywood"
    "See, so he's making two point, 'the reason it got controversy is because the lead actress is a woman, and-' and it's like, 'wooooah'"
    - LegalEagle & MauLer
  • "predominantly men"
  • "I'm going to go through this clip in what some might consider excruciating detail"
    "Ha, you're on the right show for that my friend"
    - LegalEagle & MauLer
  • "Okay, this is the crucial act that takes place, that really changes the narrative entirely. The man on the motorcycle has parked his motorcycle, he's taken his helmet off, he stood up, he walked over to Captain Marvel, he put his hand on the map that she was holding. The man is clearly right next to her, you can see that his arm is sort of angled, which means that the distance between Captain Marvel and himself must be just a matter of inches, because it's not like he was reaching out with his hand, in an extended fashion. He's reaching out his hand in a way that makes it seem like the map is directly in front of him, and crucially he makes contact with the map that Captain Marvel is holding, pulls it down, and says something that might be interpreted as a threat, 'How bout a smile for me?' This guy is not a particularly nice guy, and crucially here, he has invaded Captain Marvel's space. This is a crucial distinction that we will talk about in just a second" - LegalEagle, on someone standing 2 feet away from a map that was held a foot away from Carol
    • "The childrens' screams can be seen as a threat. Daenerys is justified" - Chat, applying LegalEagle's teachings
  • "They both engage in what could be considered a consensual handshake"
  • "at which point Captain Marvel then begins to squeeze and I guess electrocute this guy, I actually didn't see the movie so I don't know exactly what her powers are"
    • "I'm going to go through this clip in what some might consider excruciating detail" - LegalEagle, minutes earlier
  • "Damn, I've been assaulted and battered much more often than I realized" - top comment on LegalEagle's video
  • "Like if someone annoys you, you can't kill them" - Rags, who had to explain this
  • "Does he pull that mentally retarded Terminator argument?" - Wolf, predicting the future
  • "and the fact that he has invaded her personal space, that he is standing only inches away from her-"
    "I mean, I'm inches away from the Moon"
    - Legal Eagle & Rags
  • "It's the motorcycle guy who initiates force"
  • "so long as you don't escalate from using normal force into using deadly force, which it doesn't appear that Captain Marvel did here" - on Captain Marvel crushing someone's hand, electrocuting him, refusing to let go as he attempt to flee, and threatening to dismember him if he does not let her rob him
  • "Was Captain Marvel justified in taking this asshat's motorcycle and jacket? No, probably not"
    • "I'm going to go through this clip in what some might consider excruciating detail" - LegalEagle, minutes earlier
  • "and we can argue about how much force was justified and what kind of apprehension Captain Marvel was in, and what kind of fear she faced from this guy" - LegalEagle, whose job is to argue this
  • "It's never black and white" - on why all of Captain Marvel's detractors are wrong
  • "And really, all of those mansplainers who wanted to make a clever point about Captain Marvel being a villain ended up becoming the thing that they hate most in this world - they are wrong on the internet" - LegalEagle, a man whose job is to explain things
  • "this scene is shot-for-shot, exactly what happens to Arnold Schwarzenegger in T2" - LegalEagle, having cut shots out of the scene from T2
  • "But I guess it's different if the superhero has a vagina" - LegalEagle, being transphobic
  • “I think lesser of IndoChino because you like them. Your admiration of them is a stain on their reputation.” - Rags's