EFAP Podcast Wiki

"Better not be bloody shepherd's pie!"

Shadiversity, or simply Shad, is a YouTuber and author who primarily makes content about swords, armor, combat, medieval history, fantasy, and media.

Stance on Christmas vs Halloween[]

Shad is on Team Christmas, bitches.




EFAP 35 - Endgame and Game of Thrones[]


EFAP 40 & 41[]

Shad joined in in the latter half of EFAP 40, while MauLer, Rags, Wolf, and Critical Drinker took a look at Schaffrillas Productions' video claiming The Last Jedi handled Luke better than Avengers Endgame handled Thor. This marked the first time Shad had met Wolf, since Wolf was on vacation during his first appearance. Shad's children could be heard throughout much of the stream, and he carried over into EFAP 41 after a short intermission, where he gave his two cents on Spider-Man: Homecoming, which he enjoyed.

EFAP 44 & 45 - The Spider Wars[]


EFAP 50 - The One Year Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame[]



"I'm also back from the dead I found out. I wasn't aware that I had died, but I had died... but I am back! I forced myself back from the grave, so I can have my spaghetti bolognese."

Shad's death was portrayed in "Spooder Wars! Final Wars!" While the events of the Spooder Wars are typically not considered canon, Shad confirmed in EFAP 53 that he had in fact died, but came back from the dead.

EFAPs 53, 62, 65, 66[]


EFAP 72 - The Mandalorian Debate Pt 1[]

Shad played Devil's Advocate for the show by expressing the various rebuttals that fans of the Mandalorian would likely present against the crew's criticisms. Although he likes the show he does acknowledge its faults.


In February of 2020, Shad took a brief break from his channel as he was going into surgery to correct obstructions in his nasal cavity and throat that were contributing to his sleep apnea, which was in turn causing him chronic fatigue. He made a video detailing his recovery and describing how it should improve his health going forward.

EFAP 79 - The Mandalorian Debate Pt 2[]


EFAP 86[]


EFAP 100 - The Two Year Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame[]


The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 7[]


EFAPs 117 & 118 - Wonder Woman 1984[]



  • Shads children are also know as "Shad spawn" or "Shad-lings". He teaches them how to use sword from the age 0 (necessity, considering how dangerous the Australia is).
  • Shad killed "Snek The Scaly Boy", a Tiger Snake, with a sword.
  • His most successful book is called "The Objective Way To Make Good Spaghetti Bolognese"
  • Shad uses subliminal messages of mentioning his book to get people to buy then when its not out yet.
  • Shad hates the trope of heroes only solving problems they cause.
  • Shad was most likely born from the missionaries that went there with criminals.
  • He doesn’t like Joker movie. Clearly a closeted homosexual.
  • Edgy when tired, as his dark side comes out.
  • Thinks Fringy is simp for using a jetpack, especially since he lets his made-up wife boyfriend use the jet-pack
  • Likes game Dragons Dogma
  • He has fim belief that everythign is madde better if it has swords
  • Has played tabletop role-playing games since childhood